OKR´s -Agile´s Secret Sauce

The old way of managing goals simply doesn’t cut it anymore. OKR’s (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal-setting framework that has become increasingly popular across different businesses.

More than just goals, OKR´s is a philosophy that perfectly aligns with Agile. That´s because it says goodbye to static KPI’s and hello to a dynamic approach that drives motivation and fosters teamwork. With OKR’s, transparency and adaptability are key, measured quarterly and able to evolve with each cycle. In contrast to KPI’s, which we may say, are soulless metrics, unchanged for months or years, lacking the energy and inspiration that OKR’s bring to the table. 

And no one has more collective experience in implementing OKR’s than Google.

At Google, big ideas are embraced. They understand that even a small group of dedicated employees can revolutionize an entire industry in a short amount of time. Time and energy are precious resources for Google employees and managers, so they must make deliberate and informed decisions about how to allocate them. This applies to both individual efforts and team collaborations. OKR’s (Objectives and Key Results) are the tangible results of these thoughtful choices. They serve as a guide, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same ambitious goals.

At Google they use OKR’s to:

  • Plan what people are going to produce
  • Track their progress vs. plan
  • Coordinate priorities and milestones between people and teams.
  • Help people stay focused on the most important goals
  • Help them avoid being distracted by urgent but less important goals

And here is the interesting touch:  OKR’s are meant to be big, not incremental — don’t expect to hit all of them, because if you do, you are not setting them aggressively enough!

With OKR’s, there’s no need to wait until the end of the year to review objectives. Quarterly Reviews provide the opportunity to assess achievement. And here’s the best part: OKRs can be seamlessly integrated into daily routines and key moments using technology. Pitribe is the perfect solution for managing OKRs for Agile Teams and Traditional Workgroups. Its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features help foster alignment and collaboration, driving the company towards success.

So, now you know – OKR’s are more than just a goal-setting framework. They are culture catalysts that thrive on conversations, feedback, and recognition, leading to extraordinary results!

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